Rivy, on 26 December 2012 - 03:48 AM, said:
I think the weapon is fine in all aspects except damage right now. It has to be higher yeah, but I think 2dps might be a lot... I could be wrong.
For reference, a Small Laser has a DPS of 1, weighs less because it doesn't need ammo, and more range. Run around with 2 of them, and compare, this has close range power, but hardly enough to be a threat, if used in multiples (which limits the mech to only close range effectively), it can build up, hence why the weight and heat suggestions, that would make them worse when boated, but not really effect them when used alone. A Jenner-F/Cicada-2A with 6 small would be similar to having 3HMGs, but also do not require ammo, fire a little hotter, and have more range. No one complains about these builds, even before ECM.
canned wolf, on 26 December 2012 - 10:53 AM, said:
Brownings have an 800-1000m range shooting at infantry and unarmored vehicles. There are no infantry or unarmored vehicles in MWO, in case you hadn't noticed. You also need to change the barrel on a browning every 1000 rounds or so because they tend to over heat and warp the barrel.
The real world and BT don't get along very well.
Deadboy, on 26 December 2012 - 12:53 PM, said:
Re: Browning - Real life rarely applies to video games as soon as balance starts to get involved. And srsly, we're driving two story tanks with knees here so real life need not apply.
Anyways, damage is too low currently on machine guns. This has all ready been talked about in the Dev Corner, Command Chair forums.
I agree with both of you, comparison to real world is good, but we aren't playing a real world and its set in the future. I personally doubt that, the way things go now, in 300 years, we will even use ballistics in real life.
Aurien Titus, on 26 December 2012 - 01:18 PM, said:
MG's are fine where they are now. They're even inline with canon. Completely useless against 'mechs.

In a way, I suggested we remove Machine Guns and re-make then in my suggestions called Heavy Machine Guns. I say directly in point 5:
"5 I also propose that MGs are renamed "Heavy Machine Guns", because I do understand that MGs are supposed to be worthless for mech to mech, and I think we should make a new weapon system. This should be helpful for canon and start to design a new game, but one that remains honest to it's roots."
The suggestion that MGs should always be worthless against mechs is illogical, they should not have even been programmed if this was the case. MGs should be worthless against mechs, as canon, but we should just take what we have and adjust it to a real weapon system.
FerrolupisXIII, on 26 December 2012 - 01:36 PM, said:
yeah and the AC/ 20 should therefore be able to fire clear across the map. dont bring real world physics to battletech, it just makes your brain hurt.
i machine guns need a DPS boost but not much else. they should be kept small and have a similar DPS to a small laser, with less/ no heat, but ammo use. simple and easy. maybe slightly higher in DPS but not much more.
We have discussed this before my friend, and I showed a comparison at the top of this post, if they have anything close to 1, they will still be worthless. Consider a Raven-2X to a Raven-4X, even with a DPS of one, a 4 small laser Raven-2X is superior in almost every way to a 2 small laser/2MG Raven-4X. When you think about how 'weak' (I would say balanced) small lasers are, no one would use MGs at that power, except on the Cicada-3C and Raven-4X maybe
Deadoon, on 26 December 2012 - 05:02 PM, said:
in canon, they do 2 damage to mechs, low, yes but mid you that is the same as an ac/2. Also Mcahingguns and magshots are used heavily in solaris which is mech vs mech combat. And the quote you posted actually does not say that they are completely useless against mechs.
http://www.sarna.net...ut_(BattleMech) Solaris mech, why would a weapon "completely useless" against mechs be mounted in a 2 6 packs or have a load of 12 magshots which do the same damage and have triple the range?
They are the small laser of ballistic weapons.
I believe my suggestions would make them like that, right now they are worthless. I feel it would be logical, if we were to take a MG into battle, we wouldn't want to if it was considered a small laser in effectiveness. Small lasers are like back pocket knifes, great at the end of a battle, but not very effective otherwise, even in multiples.
Rivy, on 26 December 2012 - 03:48 AM, said:
I think the weapon is fine in all aspects except damage right now. It has to be higher yeah, but I think 2dps might be a lot... I could be wrong.
For reference, a Small Laser has a DPS of 1, weighs less because it doesn't need ammo, and more range. Run around with 2 of them, and compare, this has close range power, but hardly enough to be a threat, if used in multiples (which limits the mech to only close range effectively), it can build up, hence why the weight and heat suggestions, that would make them worse when boated, but not really effect them when used alone. A Jenner-F/Cicada-2A with 6 small would be similar to having 3HMGs, but also do not require ammo, fire a little hotter, and have more range. No one complains about these builds, even before ECM.
canned wolf, on 26 December 2012 - 10:53 AM, said:
Brownings have an 800-1000m range shooting at infantry and unarmored vehicles. There are no infantry or unarmored vehicles in MWO, in case you hadn't noticed. You also need to change the barrel on a browning every 1000 rounds or so because they tend to over heat and warp the barrel.
The real world and BT don't get along very well.
Deadboy, on 26 December 2012 - 12:53 PM, said:
Re: Browning - Real life rarely applies to video games as soon as balance starts to get involved. And srsly, we're driving two story tanks with knees here so real life need not apply.
Anyways, damage is too low currently on machine guns. This has all ready been talked about in the Dev Corner, Command Chair forums.
I agree with both of you, comparison to real world is good, but we aren't playing a real world and its set in the future. I personally doubt that, the way things go now, in 300 years, we will even use ballistics in real life.
Aurien Titus, on 26 December 2012 - 01:18 PM, said:
MG's are fine where they are now. They're even inline with canon. Completely useless against 'mechs.

In a way, I suggested we remove Machine Guns and re-make then in my suggestions called Heavy Machine Guns. I say directly in point 5:
"5 I also propose that MGs are renamed "Heavy Machine Guns", because I do understand that MGs are supposed to be worthless for mech to mech, and I think we should make a new weapon system. This should be helpful for canon and start to design a new game, but one that remains honest to it's roots."
The suggestion that MGs should always be worthless against mechs is illogical, they should not have even been programmed if this was the case. MGs should be worthless against mechs, as canon, but we should just take what we have and adjust it to a real weapon system.
FerrolupisXIII, on 26 December 2012 - 01:36 PM, said:
yeah and the AC/ 20 should therefore be able to fire clear across the map. dont bring real world physics to battletech, it just makes your brain hurt.
i machine guns need a DPS boost but not much else. they should be kept small and have a similar DPS to a small laser, with less/ no heat, but ammo use. simple and easy. maybe slightly higher in DPS but not much more.
We have discussed this before my friend, and I showed a comparison at the top of this post, if they have anything close to 1, they will still be worthless. Consider a Raven-2X to a Raven-4X, even with a DPS of one, a 4 small laser Raven-2X is superior in almost every way to a 2 small laser/2MG Raven-4X. When you think about how 'weak' (I would say balanced) small lasers are, no one would use MGs at that power, except on the Cicada-3C and Raven-4X maybe
Deadoon, on 26 December 2012 - 05:02 PM, said:
in canon, they do 2 damage to mechs, low, yes but mid you that is the same as an ac/2. Also Mcahingguns and magshots are used heavily in solaris which is mech vs mech combat. And the quote you posted actually does not say that they are completely useless against mechs.
http://www.sarna.net...ut_(BattleMech) Solaris mech, why would a weapon "completely useless" against mechs be mounted in a 2 6 packs or have a load of 12 magshots which do the same damage and have triple the range?
They are the small laser of ballistic weapons.
I believe my suggestions would make them like that, right now they are worthless. I feel it would be logical, if we were to take a MG into battle, we wouldn't want to if it was considered a small laser in effectiveness. Small lasers are like back pocket knifes, great at the end of a battle, but not very effective otherwise, even in multiples.